Did you know that your exterior appearance is one of the first things that can make an impression on your potential customers? That’s right, the overall cleanliness and professional look of your parking area can impact your bottom line.  If the area is filled with debris, dust or litter, it will make the bad impression. Well maintained and clean parking area and sidewalk, are both important key in making the best impression in front of your customers.

Aside from the fact that parking lot cleaning is a good management practice, it is actually a crucial element in positioning your business and brand – just ask us! Parking lots can get heavy traffic and the people using the area sometimes think the parking lot is their own personal trash can. An unkempt parking lot will not only reflect bad on your business, but, it can lead to various other problems, too! In fact, if people start falling or tripping your parking lot, you may be just a couple of legal suits away from bigger issues!

Effective Reasons to Maintain and Clean Commercial Parking Area:

When it comes time to clean the parking area, just remember that More of Clean of Texas should be on your team. We create customized, strategic cleaning plans that are designed to fit your needs. Our parking lot cleaning services include: hand-blowing sidewalks and inaccessible area, emptying and relining trash cans, handpicking planters and surrounding area, and of course, sweeping. Whether it’s a shopping mall, strip center, apartment building, healthcare facility, education institution, or any other building, we will help protect your business’s image by getting your parking lot in excellent condition.

With each of these elements considered in your seasonal master plan, we guarantee you are on your way to passing the customer approval test. If you’re ready to boost your business by having your parking lot and exterior appearance tidied up, then it’s time to get in touch with More Clean of Texas. Simply give us a call at (844) 655-1987.

Don’t miss our next blog in October featuring Fall Commercial Property Maintenance Tips from your friends at More Clean of Texas!